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Energies ofService


Access to Higher Dimensional Levels

The Gabriel pendant allows refined communication between you and your soul aspect.

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The multidimensional pendant is now called the Archangel Gabriel pendant. I was originally presented with this design without a designer, but now I have felt Gabriel's energy behind the multidimensional.
The Gabriel pendant allows refined communication between you and your soul aspect.

From one connection to Gabriel:
“One of the things that I always talk about when it comes to our soul's journey and our soul's purpose - it's to become self-expressed, meaning that it is the question - “What is my soul here to express? How does my soul desire to express itself?” 

"Your truth goes beyond the definition of expression, which is simply about speaking.
It's really about expression in all its forms, including how you show up, how you dress, what you experience, who you talk to, what conversations you're having, and so on. 

So connecting with Archangel Gabriel supports us in not only discovering more of our true selves, but also bringing us the courage and the confidence and the knowing of how that truth is meant to be expressed in every single moment in our everyday lives, whether it is just simply in your own room with a loved one or on a bigger stage, for example."

“Calling on Archangel Gabriel to support you in those ways is going to be really powerful. If you are in a space right now where you're either asking yourself, what is my truth? Who am I? How am I here to express myself? Then calling Archangel Gabriel is going to be very supportive for you.” 
Christina Aroche



The Gabriel is a very powerful tool with three tensor rings in it. The combination of these rings together opens you up for a more refined connection to your oneness. The pendant opens our upper chakras so that we can communicate with our higher self (your oneness). In this way, we can progress spiritually with a bit of a foot forward. It is also competent with healers, allowing us to connect more clearly to help others, utilizing the connection to our oneness to find your client's precise needs.

Protective shield 


Safeguarding against negative energies, it stands as a shield for your well-being.

Three Tensor Rings


The large outer ring is the third eye chakra energy. The middle ring is the crown chakra energy. The inner ring is the star chakra energy.


Reveal Your Soul Mission

Facilitating clarity, the pendant aids in discovering your soul's mission, offering motivation and a sense of energized purpose.


Access to Higher Dimensional Levels

In times of stress, it becomes a beacon of emotional and physical strength, guiding you through the waves.


Specific Selection of Crystals 

Each crystal is carefully selected for its unique properties, creating a symphony of energies The attributes of the crystals in the pendant are shielding, calming, clearing and emotional healing. 


Image by Emily Karakis

Creating the Tensor rings

The process begins with the creation of tensor rings, a long wire folded over and twisted clockwise.



The next step is cutting them to length, a crucial decision that determines the energy they will produce. ​



Then, the copper undergoes a transformative annealing process, preparing it to be shaped into the powerful ring it is destined to become.



Once in its ring shape, it is welded to create the energy field, and even more work is done to prepare the ring for final assembly.​


Shaping and cleaning

Each pendant ring has to be rounded, flattened, cleaned, antiqued, and scuffed


Pouring the resin

At this point, the crystals are placed, and resin is poured. We wait for the resin to cure, at which point we start the cleaning process for the pendants.


Sanding and cleaning

Hours of time are spent cleaning, sanding, and polishing each pendant to create a beautiful final product.


Finished product

After 5 to 6 hour of detailed work as guided by the archangels, a beautiful pendant is ready to be of service. 


Embrace a masterpiece that grows with you.

Advance your path to enlightenment with a pendant that empowers and evolves.

Start your journey of self-discovery today!

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