This pendant was crafted in response to the need for more than the Chill Pill & Archangel Metatron pendant. The design evolved through a download, incorporating tensor rings and crystals to enhance its energy. Specifically designed with crystals from the Archangel Michaels pendant and additional ones, the pendant radiates warmth, protection, calmness, and balance. 🌈
If you are seeking peace within yourself or improved relationships with others and source, Archangel Chamuel is your guide. Known as the angel of peaceful relationships, Chamuel desires to help you find inner peace and better relate to others and the divine. 🕊️
The Chamuel is a very powerful tool with two tensor rings in it. The combination of these rings together with the crystals support psychosomatic or stress-related ailments, acting as a soothing balm for the soul. It acts as a "bodyguard," clearing energies and creating a calming environment for your spirit. And facilitates the release of painful memories associated with past experiences, unlocking the path to freedom.

Protective shield
Safeguarding against negative energies, it stands as a shield for your well-being.
Two Tensor Rings
Heart-focused tensor ring for the heart, higher heart, emotional, and etheric body. Grounding tensor ring for chakra balance and recovery of soul aspects/soul shards.
Wound Healer
Embark on a journey of healing, addressing old wounds and past life issues with its gentle touch.
Stress Subduer
In times of stress, it becomes a beacon of emotional and physical strength, guiding you through the waves.
Specific Selection of Crystals
Each crystal is carefully selected for its unique properties, creating a symphony of energies The attributes of the crystals in the pendant are shielding, calming, clearing and emotional healing.
The Gold Edition
Amplify the Radiance, Power, and Feel the Higher Vibration
Gold carries one of the purest and most stable frequencies, often celebrated as the "metal of the sun". It radiates warmth, vitality, and high-frequency energy, symbolizing purity, spiritual enlightenment, and divine connection across cultures and ages.
Known to amplify energy flow and raise vibrations, gold enhances the intentions of its wearer.
Our pendants feature 24k gold, plated in three layers, which magnifies their transformative power—making them 10 times more potent, yet gentle in their energetic delivery.
The harmonious blend of 24k gold with crystals and Tensor Technology elevates their natural energy, creating a stronger, more balanced vibration for your journey of transformation.


Creating the Tensor rings
The process begins with the creation of tensor rings, a long wire folded over and twisted clockwise.
The next step is cutting them to length, a crucial decision that determines the energy they will produce.
Then, the copper undergoes a transformative annealing process, preparing it to be shaped into the powerful ring it is destined to become.
Once in its ring shape, it is welded to create the energy field, and even more work is done to prepare the ring for final assembly.
Shaping and cleaning
Each pendant ring has to be rounded, flattened, cleaned, antiqued, and scuffed
Pouring the resin
At this point, the crystals are placed, and resin is poured. We wait for the resin to cure, at which point we start the cleaning process for the pendants.
Sanding and cleaning
Hours of time are spent cleaning, sanding, and polishing each pendant to create a beautiful final product.
Finished product
After 5 to 6 hour of detailed work as guided by the archangels, a beautiful pendant is ready to be of service.